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Promo 10,000 MB!

The promotion is valid from April 19 to April 30, 2024, inclusive.

The price of the promo data pack of 10,000 MB is 25,000 UZS;

To activate the pack, dial the USSD code - *102*00001#

To check the remaining traffic in the pack, dial the USSD code - *102#


Other terms and conditions:

∙ The number of promo data packs that can be subscribed to by the subscriber is unlimited.

∙ Checking the remaining traffic in the activated data pack - USSD code *102#.

∙ To use the Data pack, it is necessary to activate the "Mobile Data" service if it was previously turned off.

∙ Activation of Data packs is possible provided that after activating the pack, the subscriber's account balance must be at least 42 UZS.

∙ The time interval between pack purchases must be at least 10 minutes.

∙ The volume of data packs purchased under this promotion is cumulative with monthly data packs.

∙ The validity period of the pack is extended until the expiration of the last purchased pack and is 30 days from the date of purchase.

∙ Upon expiration of included traffic, MB usage is charged according to the established rates.

∙ In case of simultaneous presence of unused megabytes, allocated within the tariff and Data pack, megabytes from the tariff are consumed first.

∙ Priority of traffic consumption in case of multiple pack types for the subscriber:

Daily data pack -> Traffic within the tariff -> OnNet service traffic -> Monthly data pack -> Other packs

∙ Priority of using data packs during the period from 00:00 to 8:00:

Night data pack -> Daily data pack -> Traffic within the tariff -> OnNet traffic -> Monthly data pack -> Other packs.

∙ Pack conditions remain unchanged when changing service plans.

∙ Prices are inclusive of VAT.

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