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The "Biz 10 yoshdamiz!" contest on Instagram

Contest: «Biz 10 yoshdamiz!» on Instagram

Contest Title: «Biz 10 yoshdamiz!» on Instagram (hereinafter referred to as the Contest)

Contest Organizer: «UMS» LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Organizer).

Geographical Scope: The Republic of Uzbekistan.

Contest Period and Prizes 



Social network

Date and time of period start

Date and time of end of period

Date, time and place of announcement of winners

Number of winners


Total prize fund



November 25, 2024 11:00 AM

December 1, 2024 11:59 PM

December 3, 2024 15:00 online broadcast on Instagram       


10 000 000

30 000 000



December 9, 2024 11:00 AM

December 14, 2024 11:59 PM

December 16, 2024 15:00 online broadcast on Instagram


8 000 000

16 000 000



December 20, 2024 11:00 AM

December 25, 2024 11:59 PM

December 26, 2024 15:00 online broadcast on Instagram




5 000 000 UZS 

7 000 000 UZS 


5 000 000

7 000 000



Cash prizes will be awarded to the Winners in non-cash form by transferring funds to the Winner's bank account, with withholding taxes in accordance with the current legislation of RUz at the time of payment.

Cash prizes will be awarded after submission and execution of the necessary documents specified in clause 7.

Cash prizes are drawn for the participants of the Contest all over the country, without division into regions.

Contest participants

Citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the Republic of Uzbekistan may participate in the Contest.
The following persons may not participate in the Contest:
  • Individuals who have not reached the age of 18 by the time of participation in the drawing;
  • Individuals not permanently residing in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • Individuals - employees of the Organizer who have labor relations for the period of the action, as well as their close relatives;
  • Individuals who have concluded contracts with the Organizer, as well as their close relatives;
  • Commercial representatives of the Organizer and their employees (dealers, dealer’s agents, operators, etc.) and their close relatives.

 Description and conditions of the Contest

The Contest is held on the Organizer's official resource in the social network Instagram (@mobiuz.uzbekistan).

Terms and conditions in Instagram:

Administrators of the @mobiuz.uzbekistan account in the social network Instagram post a contest publication (video) with brief terms and conditions and a link to www.mobi.uz for detailed terms and conditions.

To participate it is necessary to:

1. Subscribe to the Instagram account @mobiuz.uzbekistan;

2. Tag 5 friends under the contest video publication.

Procedure for selecting the Winners

Random winners will be revealed online on the Organizer's Instagram page at 15:00 on the day the winners are determined.

Determination of the winners of the third period in the social network Instagram will take place as follows: first the winner of 5 000 000 UZS is determined, then — the winner of 7 000 000 UZS, and lastly — the winner of 10 000 000 UZS.

Determination of the winner in the social network Instagram is carried out using the service Lizaonair (https://lizaonair.com). To do this, Administrators indicate in the service a link to the contest publication, turn on the check of fulfillment of conditions and click on the button to identify random winners. The service reveals the names (profiles) of the winners.

Administrators live check the winner for fulfillment of the contest conditions. If the check reveals that the winner has not fulfilled one of the contest conditions, the administrators re-determine the winner.

The commission monitors the course of the Contest and the determination of the winners.

Requirements for the fulfillment of conditions by the participants of the Competition

1. To participate in the Contest, participants must correctly fulfill all the conditions of the Contest.

2. The Contest participants' Instagram accounts must be open at the time of the Contest:

  • not hidden to other users for the entire time of the Contest and the identification of the winners;

  • active (have photos and/or videos in the newsfeed);

  • have subscriptions and followers (to exclude contest accounts).

        Participants whose accounts do not meet these requirements will be disqualified from the Contest.

3. Instagram users with profiles/pages of companies, firms, organizations, etc., including profiles whose names mention companies, firms, areas of activity, celebrities, famous personalities, as well as marking such profiles in comments, are not allowed to participate in the Contest.

4. A participant of the Contest in Instagram should mark 5 friends in one comment. If one or several accounts are marked in separate comments, these comments are considered incorrect and are not taken into account in the Contest.

5. If a participant of the Instagram Contest marks more than 5 friends in one comment, it is considered that he/she has successfully fulfilled the conditions of the Contest in any case.

6. Comments containing coarse language, foul language, angry statements, insults, etc. are not allowed in the Contest.

7. Administrators of the Organizer's accounts in social networks have the right to suspend participants from participation in the Contest if cases of fraud are detected (specifying accounts of celebrities, legal entities, attempts to repeatedly participate in the Contest through similar (identical) accounts, use of fake accounts, etc.).

Information about Lizaonair services

Lizaonair is an online service for automatic detection of random winners in Instagram. The organizer has nothing to do with Lizaonair, whose servers and technical capabilities are located in third countries.

Order, terms, places and conditions of receiving the prize

1. Only a private subcribers - the Winner of the Contest can claim to receive the prize of the Contest.

2. The Contest prize may not be claimed by:

  • Individuals who are under 18 years of age at the time of participation in the drawing;
  • Individuals not permanently residing in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

  • Individuals - employees of the Organizer who have employment relations for the period of the action, as well as their close relatives;

  • Individuals who have concluded contracts with the Organizer, as well as their close relatives

  • Commercial representatives of the Organizer and their employees (dealers, dealers' attorneys, operators, etc.) and their close relatives

In case the winner claims the prize of the Contest, but falls into the category of the above mentioned persons, the prize remains in the ownership of the Organizer. There is no redetermination of the winner.

3. The Organizer undertakes to pay the prize money to the Competition Winners within 30 (thirty) working days from the date of documentation of the cash prize.

4. The Contest Winners are obliged to submit all necessary documents (see clause 7) within 30 (thirty) working days from the day of determining the winners for the prize processing.  

5. The Organizer does not assume the obligation to pay taxes and fees from the cash payments of the Contest.

6.   The cash prize is transferred to the bank account of the Contest Winners opened in any bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan with withholding of personal income tax from the prize amount in accordance with the current legislation of RUz at the time of payment.

7. Before receiving the prize, the Winner of the Contest should apply in person to one of the Organizer's own offices and provide:

  • Original passport of RUz citizen (for RUz citizens), national passport and residence permit (for foreign citizens), ID card of a stateless person (for stateless persons) or ID card;
  • PINFL;

  • Screen confirming fulfillment of the Contest conditions;

  • Bank account details.

  • A receipt of consent to crediting the cash prize to the Winner's bank account with personal income tax withheld;

  • Information about close relatives. The applicant (the winner of the Contest) should provide information about his/her close relatives (parents, blood and half-brothers and sisters, spouses, children, including adopted children, as well as parents, blood and half-brothers and sisters of spouses) by filling in the appropriate form.

In case of revealing the kinship of the applicant (winner of the competition) with persons who have employment relations with the Organizer or its authorized dealers, or who have concluded with the Organizer or its authorized dealers contracts of state employment, as well as in case of revealing the fact of providing unreliable information, the prize shall not be awarded.

In case of revealing the fact of providing false information by the applicant after awarding the prize within the framework of the contest, the Organizer reserves the right to recover the entire amount of the prize in court.

Addresses of the Organizer's offices: 


Name of the CSC


The city of Tashkent

Head Office

Tashkent, Yunusabad District, Amir Temur Avenue, 24

Republic of Karakalpakstan

Service Center
in Nukus

Republic of Karakalpakstan, Nukus, Turtkul highway, 138 “A”

Andijan Region

Service Center
in Andijan

Andijan region, Andijan, st. Boburshokh, 13 "B"

Bukhara Region

Service Center
in Bukhara

Bukhara region, Bukhara, st. Khofiz Tonish Bukhoriy, 10

Jizzakh Region

Service Center
in Jizzakh

Jizzakh region, Jizzakh, st. Sh. Rashidova

Kashkadarya Region

Service Center
in Karshi

Kashkadarya region, Karshi, st. Uzbekistanskaya, no. 221

Sales and Service Office in Shakhrisabz city

Kashkadarya region, Shakhrisabz city, MFY "Khabarlik", Ipak Yuli street, (in the building of the supermarket "Macro").

Navoi Region

Service Center in Navoi

Navoi Region, Navoi city, Navoi Street, 11

Namangan Region

Service Center in Namangan

Namangan region, Namangan city, Nodira street, 1

Samarkand Region

Service Center in Samarkand

Samarkand region, Samarkand city, Mirzo-Ulugbek street, 105

Surkhandarya Region

Service Center in Termez

Surkhandarya region, Termez city, G.Khusanova st., 32 "A"

Syrdarya Region

Service Center in Gulistan

Syrdarya region, Gulistan city, Birlashgan street, 68

Tashkent Region

Service Center in Yangiyul

Tashkent region, Yangiyul, st. Sh. Rashidova, building 2

Service Center in Chirchik

Tashkent region, Chirchik, A. Navoi Avenue, 13

Khorezm Region

Service Center in Urgench

Khorezm region, Urgench, Al-Khorezmiy street, 101

Fergana Region

Service Center in Fergana

Fergana region, Fergana city, Sayilgokh street, house 26

8. The Organizer reserves the right to annul the results of the Competition of the Winner in the following cases:

  • Identification of the Winner's non-compliance with the conditions of participation in the Contest;
  • Refusal/failure to provide the required documents listed in clause 7 of these Rules;

  • Identification of information about the Winner's provision of false information in the documents listed in clause 7 of these Rules.

  • Identification of comments containing rude language, foul language, angry statements, insults, etc

In case the results of the Contest are annulled, the cash prize remains in the possession of the Organizer and is not drawn again.

9. During the registration/receipt of the prize, the Winner undertakes to sign all necessary documents (related to the process of registration/receipt of the prize), where the personal information of the Winner and full information about the prize will be indicated.

The Contest Winner's refusal to sign the necessary documents and/or perform other legally significant actions, including the provision of the required documents, when receiving the prize is considered as the Winner's refusal to receive the prize.

10. When drawing/receiving the prize, the Winner gives his/her consent for photo and video filming of the process of receiving the prize for use and publication on the official pages of the company in social networks/ messengers.

11. The Organizer does not assume the obligation to pay the cash prize in cash.

12. In case of non-claiming or refusal for any reason of the Contest Winners to receive the prize - the cash remains the property of the Organizer. In this case, unclaimed prizes are not drawn again.

13. The Organizer reserves the right to refuse to provide the Winner with a cash prize, in case the Winner fails to meet all the requirements and conditions stipulated by the Procedure for receiving the prize.

14. The Organizer is not responsible for:

  • participants' inability to familiarize themselves with the list of winners posted on the company's official resources in social networks;
  • non-receipt/untimely receipt of information/documents required to receive the prize through the participants' own fault or for other reasons;

  • failure to fulfill (untimely fulfillment) by the contestants of the obligations stipulated by the Procedure for receiving the prize;

  • non-receipt of the prize by the Winners of the Contest, in case of failure or refusal to claim the prize;

  • inability to fulfill its obligations to deliver the prize to the Winners due to the Winner's own fault, third parties and/or force majeure circumstances.

15. In cases of refusal to issue prizes or annulment of the Winner's contest results, the cash prize remains in the Organizer's possession and is not drawn again.

Other terms and conditions:

1. The Organizer is not responsible for the actions of the Lizaonair online service in identifying random winners. The disclaimer applies including all processes related to the performance of Lizaonair;

2. All actions that are performed from a subscriber's device (mobile device, PC, laptop, etc.) of the Contest participant are unconditionally recognized as performed by him/her independently. The Organizer is not responsible for the user's actions that led to the elimination of the user from participation in the Contest, including hacking of his/her account, use of the profile by third parties, etc;

3. By participating in the Contest, participants agree that in case the Organizer changes or cancels the Contest, the latter is not obliged to reimburse the Contest participants;

4. Participants who win prizes, at the request of the Organizer may take part in interviewing, in photo and video shootings conducted for promotional purposes, and consent to use the results of interviewing, photo and video material with the winner's image in the media, as well as consent to provide personal data to the Organizer for the issuance of the prize;

5. Additional remuneration for participation in the above events is not paid, the rights to the materials obtained as a result of the above events will belong to the Organizer, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the participant and the Organizer;

6. Participants are obliged to fulfill all actions related to participation in the Contest and receipt of the prize within the terms set forth herein;

7. The Organizer has no right to provide information to third parties about the participant of the Competition, except as provided for in the Competition procedure and the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

8. The Organizer is obliged to determine the winners of the Contest - the winners of the Prize Fund of the Contest and provide them with prizes, according to the terms and conditions established by these Rules. If before or during the drawing Lizaonair and/or Instagram become inoperable for any reason, the Organizer has the right to postpone the drawing to a later date, not exceeding 3 (three) working days from the date of determining the winners specified in the Rules;

9. The Organizer reserves the right to make changes and amendments to the Contest rules. In case of changes in the terms and conditions of the Contest, «UMS» LLC. undertakes to place the relevant information on the official website www.mobi.uz;

10. By participating in the Contest, the participant confirms that he/she is fully familiarized and agrees with the definitions, terms, conditions and notes of the Contest, as well as with the procedure for receiving the prize;

11. The winners of the Contest give their consent to the use of their personal data by the Organizer, including their processing. Processing of personal data means actions (operations) with personal data of the winner, including their collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), use, depersonalization, blocking and destruction;

12. The Organizer reserves the right not to enter into written negotiations or other contacts with the Contest participants, except as specified in this Document or on the basis of the requirements of the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
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