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20000 uzs
500 MIN
Local minutes
3000 MB
Data monthly
500 SMS
Messages monthly
The tariff details
  • Calls in Uzbekistan in a minute

    20 UZSLocal for Mobiuz, other mobile operators of Uzbekistan (above the minutes limit)

    20 UZSLand line numbers

  • SMS across Uzbekistan per message

    0 UZSIncoming SMS message

    20 UZSOutgoing SMS messages to Mobiuz subscribers (above the SMS)

    20 UZSOutgoing SMS messages to mobile networks of other operators in Uzbekistan (above the SMS)

    1000 UZSOutgoing international SMS messages

  • Data for 1 MB of traffic

    20 UZSper 1 MB of data traffic (above the MB limit)

  • Условия перехода

    A new connection to the “Maktab” tariff is possible

    • The tariff is connected in the name of the parent.

    • The tariff is intended for use by students of secondary schools in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan (aged 6 to 18 years).

    In order to connect, the parent must present:

    • Original passport;

    • Original birth certificate of the child.

    • a statement from a parent guaranteeing that his child will use the subscriber number.

    Mobile communication services are available after the subscription fee is charged and the balance is positive.

  • Switch to the «Maktab»:
  • Useful USSD commands:
    • *100#- check balance, tariff plan, and remaining minutes and MB in the monthly fee
    •  *104# - check the remaining purchased SMS packs
    •   *102# - check the remaining purchased Data packs
    • *001# - request to display the next date, charge the subscription fee according to the tariff plan.
    • *you need to check the balance only when your Internet session is inactive

    “Prohibition of switching to daily subscription fee”
  • Conditions:
    • Only for new connections;
    • You can connect no more than three SIM cards with the Maktab TP to one passport;
    • Transitions to TP “Maktab” are not available
    • When you sign up for a new tariff plan, the subscription fee is charged in full after the account is topped up.
    • The maximum duration of a one-time voice call is 60 minutes
    • The subscription fee is charged monthly on the day of first activation, provided that the subscriber's balance is sufficient to charge the full amount of the subscription fee (20,000 UZS per month).
    • In the monthly subscription fee charging mode, meters are issued in full for 1 calendar month ( 500 minutes in Uzbekistan , 3000 MB  500 SMS .
    • If, by the time the subscription fee is charged, there are not enough funds to withdraw the full subscription fee for the month, the daily subscription fee withdrawal mode is activated in the amount of 1,000 UZS per day from the existing funds in the subscriber’s account. The subscription fee write-off date is moved forward by 1 day.
    • In the daily subscription fee charging mode, meters are issued in the amount established for 1 day (17 minutes in Uzbekistan , 100 MB, 17 SMS ).
    • Switching to the monthly subscription fee debiting mode occurs if there is an amount in the subscriber’s account sufficient to write off the full amount of the subscription fee. The write-off date is moved forward by 1 calendar month.
    • In case of insufficient funds for debiting in 1 day, the subscriber is blocked due to insufficient funds and remains in it until the account is replenished in the amount of subscription fee for the month or day. After replenishing the account in the amount of subscription fee for a month or day, the blocking due to insufficient funds is removed. The subscription fee is charged immediately after the account is topped up.
    • If at the time of replenishing the balance the subscriber is on a daily debit , then the following rules for charging the subscription fee apply:

      a) The subscriber is blocked and replenishes the balance to an amount greater than 0 UZS and less than 20,000 UZS ( less than the full monthly subscription fee ):
      Example 1: The subscriber was blocked on October 12 with a balance of -200 UZS. On October 15 at 12:00 replenish the balance in the amount of 5000 UZS. The number is activated, the balance is 4,800 UZS(-200 UZSto pay off the debt). Daily packages of 100 MB, 17 minutes, 17 SMS are available. Switching to monthly debiting does NOT occur, because... the amount on the balance is less than 20,000 UZS. At 00:00 on October 16, two subscription fees of 1000 UZS will be charged - for the 15th and 16th. The next daily subscription fee will be charged on October 17th.  
      Example 2: A subscriber was blocked on October 15 with a balance of -200 UZS(when the subscription fee was charged for the 15th). On the same day at 12:00, replenish the balance in the amount of 5,000 UZS. The number is activated, the balance is 4,800 UZS(-200 UZS to pay off the debt). Daily packages of 100 MB, 17 minutes, 17 SMS are available. Switching to monthly debiting does NOT occur, because... the amount on the balance is less than 20,000 UZS. At 00:00 on October 16, one subscription fee of 1000 UZS will be charged for the 16th. The next daily subscription fee will be charged on October 17th.
      b) The subscriber is blocked and replenishes the balance to 20,000 UZS or more ( equal to or more than the full monthly subscription fee ):
      Example 3: The subscriber was blocked on October 10 with a balance of -200 UZS. On October 15 at 12:00 replenish the balance in the amount of 25,000 UZS . The number is activated, the balance is 24,800 UZS (-200 UZS to pay off the debt). Daily packages of 100 MB, 17 minutes, 17 SMS are available. At 00:00 on the 16th, two subscription fees will be charged: 1,000 UZS per day on the 15th, and 20,000 UZS for the full month. There will be a switch to monthly debiting. Monthly packages of 3000 MB, 500 minutes, 500 SMS are available. The next subscription fee will be charged on November 16th.
      Example 4: A subscriber was blocked on October 15 with a balance of -200 UZS (when the subscription fee was charged for the 15th). On the same day at 12:00, replenish the balance in the amount of 25,000 UZS. The number is activated, the balance is 24,800 UZS (-200 UZS to pay off the debt). Daily packages of 100 MB, 17 minutes, 17 SMS are available. At 00:00 on the 16th, one subscription fee will be charged - for a full month. There will be a switch to monthly debiting. Monthly packages of 3000 MB, 500 minutes, 500 SMS are available. The next subscription fee will be charged on November 16th.
      c) The subscriber is active and replenishes the balance to 20,000 UZS or more (equal to or more than the full monthly subscription fee ):
      Example 5: On October 15th, the subscriber is active with a balance of 5,000 UZS. On October 15 at 12:00 replenish the balance in the amount of 20,000 UZS . The total balance is 25,000 UZS. Until 00:00, daily packages of 100 MB, 17 minutes, 17 SMS are available to the subscriber. At 00:00 on the 16th, 1 subscription fee will be charged for a full month. There will be a switch to monthly debiting. Monthly packages of 3000 MB, 500 minutes, 500 SMS are available. The next subscription fee will be charged on November 16th.
    • Switching to the monthly subscription fee debiting mode occurs if there is an amount in the subscriber’s account sufficient to write off the full amount of the subscription fee. The write-off date is moved forward by 1 calendar month.
    • Not charged when locked;
    • When you sign up for a new tariff plan, the accrual of MB packages included in the subscription fee is issued in full.
    • Priority of traffic consumption if a subscriber has more than one type of package:
    Daily Internet package -> Traffic within the TP -> traffic within the OnNet service->monthly Internet package -> other packages
    • "Gap ko'p" service not available.
    • When switching to another tariff plan from the “Maktab” tariff plan, the minutes, MB, and SMS included in the tariff plan are canceled.
    • Activation of a tariff plan is possible only in Mobiuz’s own offices.
    Subscribers to the Maktab TP are provided with free, non-tariffed access to the following educational sites in Uzbekistan:
    Names of information resources Note
    1 qabul.maktab.uz Online queue system for admission to the 1st grade of secondary school
    2 edumarket.uz Virtual interactive educational platform “EDUMARKET”
    3 uzedu.uz Website of the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan
    4 maktab.uz Distance educational platform of the public education system
    5 olympiad.uzedu.uz Information system for organizing online Olympiads and forming a base of talented students
    6 attestat.uzedu.uz Automated information system “Certificate”
    7 erp.maktab.uz Information system for managing the public education system
    8 ish.uzedu.uz System for familiarizing yourself with available jobs
    9 online-maktab.uz Our online school system
    10 bam.uzedu.uz Information system for managing the activities of Barkamol Avlod centers
    11 ustozovozi.uzedu.uz Virtual inspection system, Teacher's voice
    12 kitob.uz System for the continuous development of the portal of the Republican Children's Library
    13 gis.uzedu.uz System for obtaining information about the location of schools
    14 eduportal.uz Information and educational portal of the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan
    15 Coursera.org Distance education platform
    16 uz.khanacademy.org Online educational platform Khan Academy
    17 xt.uzedu.uz School educational process management system
    18 stat.uzedu.uz Monitoring system for construction and repair work in secondary schools
    19 kundalik.com Electronic journal system for general education schools
    20 itsm.uz Official website of the State Unitary Enterprise “Center for Innovation, Technology and Strategy”
    21 rtmuz.uz Official website of the Republican Educational Center
    22 avloniy.uz Official website of the Institute for retraining and advanced training of managers and specialists of the public education system named after A. Avloniy
    23 tashxis.uz Official website of the Republican Diagnostic Center for Psychological-Pedagogy and Vocational Guidance of Students
    24 Cict.uz Official website of the Center for the Development of Information and Communication Technologies in the Field of Public Education

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