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With Mobiuz
8,400 uzs
1000 MIN
Local minutes
2000 MB
Data monthly
500 SMS
Messages monthly
The tariff details
  • Calls in Uzbekistan in a minute

    20 UZSLocal for Mobiuz

    20 UZSFor subscribers of other mobile operators in Uzbekistan

    20 UZSLand line numbers

  • SMS across Uzbekistan per message

    0 UZSIncoming SMS message

    84,2 UZSOutgoing SMS messages to Mobiuz subscribers (above the SMS)

    84,2 UZSOutgoing SMS messages to mobile networks of other operators in Uzbekistan (above the SMS)

    1000 UZSOutgoing international SMS messages

  • Data for 1 MB of traffic

    421,04 UZSper 1 MB of data traffic (above the MB limit)

  • Условия перехода
  • Useful USSD commands:
    • *100#- check balance, tariff, and remaining minutes and MB in the monthly fee
    •  *104# - check the remaining purchased SMS packs
    •   *102# - check the remaining purchased Data packs
    • *001# - request to display the next date, charge the subscription fee according to the tariff.
    • *you need to check the balance only when your Internet session is inactive

    “Prohibition of switching to daily subscription fee”
  • Conditions:
    • Billing is per minute;
    • The maximum duration of a one-time voice call is 60 minutes
    • All outgoing calls are charged from 1 sec. and rounded up;
    • Data traffic rounding quantum 1KB;
    • Prices include taxes;
    • The cost of the starter kit is 3000 UZS (fully credited to the balance).
    • Connection or switching to a tariff plan is possible only for persons with disabilities (only with I or II disability group).
    • The transition to this tariff is available only in the company’s own offices upon presentation by the subscriber of the original passport and the original pension book, which indicates disability group I or II
    • Connection is possible at the company's offices, upon presentation of a passport and an original document confirming the presence of disability of group I or II;
    • You can switch from a tariff plan to any other tariff, the cost of switching is 0.00 UZS;
    • For one individual with disabilities (with disability group I or II), you can connect only one number with the “Together with Mobiuz” tariff plan;
    • If the number with the “Together with Mobiuz” tariff plan has already been terminated, and the subscriber’s full name at the time of contact does not have a number with this tariff (either active or blocked), then connecting to the “Together with Mobiuz” tariff plan is allowed.
    • Unused minute/SMS/MB packages are not transferred to the next period;
    • When a zero or negative balance is reached, the number falls into partial blocking (in partial blocking, outgoing minutes, SMS and the Internet are blocked), in which the subscriber can receive incoming calls and SMS in accordance with the terms of the “In touch” service;
    • If the number was blocked for 3 months (the balance was negative), the contract between the company and the subscriber is terminated, the provision of services is terminated;
    • ** 1000 minutes included in the tariff plan are provided for making outgoing calls within the Republic of Uzbekistan to Mobiuz subscribers). 
    • If at the time the subscription fee is charged, the subscriber’s balance is less than 8,400 soums, the number is subject to partial blocking, in which the subscriber can receive incoming calls and SMS in accordance with the terms of the “In touch” service.

    • For existing and connected subscribers until July 27, 2023:

    If before July 27, 2023 For existing and connected subscribers to the “Together with Mobiuz” tariff plan, the subscription fee for July was successfully charged , then the next subscription fee will be charged. fees and accrual of minutes, MB and SMS will be on 08/01/2023.

    If on 01.08.2023 There are not enough funds to withdraw the full subscription. monthly fee, the daily subscription withdrawal mode is activated. fees from existing funds in the subscriber's account, packages of minutes, MB and SMS are also charged for 1 day. Subscriber debit date fees are moved by 1 day.

    Switching to the monthly subscription charging mode. payment occurs if there is an amount on the subscriber’s account sufficient to write off the full amount of the subscription. fees. Packages of minutes, MB and SMS are credited for a full month. The write-off date is moved forward by 1 calendar month.

    In case of insufficient funds for debiting within 1 day, the subscriber is blocked due to insufficient funds and remains in it until the account is replenished in the amount of the subscription. fees per month or day. After replenishing the account in the amount of the subscriber. fees per month or day, blocking due to insufficient funds is removed. The subscription fee and the accrual of packages of minutes, MB and SMS occurs immediately after replenishing the account (in the amount depending on the amount of replenishment: for a full month or per day).

    If before July 27, 2023 For existing and connected subscribers to the “Together with Mobiuz” tariff plan, the subscription fee for July has not been charged , then the number is partially blocked. To exit the blocking, the subscriber must top up the balance by the amount of the monthly subscription fee or more.

    Subscriber write-off fees and accrual of MB minutes, SMS in the amount of a full month occurs when the balance is topped up with the required amount. The next write-off date is moved forward by 1 calendar month.

    • For a new connection (from July 27, 2023):

    - If upon a new connection the amount on the subscriber’s balance is 8400 UZS or more , then the packages of minutes, MB and SMS are credited in full for 1 calendar month. The subscription fee is charged in full (per month);

    If the amount on the subscriber's balance is less than 8,400 soums , then the number is blocked due to insufficient funds. To exit the blocking, you need to top up your subscription fee balance for a month or more. When the balance is replenished to the required amount, the subscription is written off. fees and accrual of packages of minutes, MB and SMS in full (per month) for a period of 1 calendar month (from the date of replenishment of the balance).

    • When switching to the tariff (from July 27, 2023):

    - If at the time of the transition there is an amount of 8,400 UZS  or more on the subscriber’s balance , then a successful change of tariff occurs with the summation of meter balances for the previous tariff with packages of minutes, MB and SMS under the “Together with Mobiuz” tariff plan in the amount of a full month. The subscription fee for the “Together with Mobiuz” tariff plan is also charged in full (per month); The next write-off date is moved forward by 1 calendar month.

    Example 1: On July 29, a subscriber switches from the “Mobi 20” tariff plan to the “Together with Mobiuz” tariff plan, the cost of the transition is 0 UZS . The subscriber has 9,000 UZS on his balance (enough for the full monthly subscription fee). In this case, the transition will be successful. The monthly subscription fee for the “Together with Mobiuz” tariff plan and the cost of the transition will be written off immediately upon the transition. The next subscription fee for the “Together with Mobiuz” TP will be charged on August 29. The balances of counters from the “Mobi 20” tariff plan and the full counters for the “Together with Mobiuz” tariff plan for the month will be summed up, valid until August 29.


    - If at the time of the transition there is an amount on the subscriber’s balance + from 420 to 8399 UZS  , then a successful change of tariff occurs with a switch to daily debiting of the subscription fee with the accrual of daily packages of MB minutes, SMS. In this case, summation with meter balances from the previous tariff is not performed.

    Example 2: On July 29, a subscriber switches from the “Mobi 20” tariff plan to the “Together with Mobiuz” tariff plan, the cost of the transition is 0 UZS . The subscriber's balance is 3,000 UZS (not enough for the full monthly subscription fee). In this case, the transition will be successful, but there will be a switch to daily debiting of the subscription fee. The subscription fee for 1 day for the “Together with Mobiuz” tariff plan (420 UZS ) and the cost of the transition will be written off immediately upon the transition. The next daily subscription fee for the “Together with Mobiuz” tariff plan is July 30. In this case, the remaining counters from the Mobi 20 TP are burned out. Only daily volume is credited for the “Together with Mobiuz” tariff plan (34 minutes within the Mobiuz network, 67 MB, 17 SMS) valid until the end of the day on July 29.


    - If at the time of the transition there is only an amount of  419 UZS or less on the balance , then a successful change of tariff occurs, but the number is blocked due to insufficient funds until the balance is replenished with the amount for debiting the subscription. fees for a full month or day (with accrual of the corresponding meter volumes).

    Example 3: On July 29, a subscriber wants to switch from the “Mobi 20” tariff plan to the “Together with Mobiuz” tariff plan, the cost of the transition is 0 UZS . The subscriber's balance is 200 UZS (not enough for either the daily or monthly subscription fee). In this case, the transition will be successful, but after the transition, the number will be blocked due to insufficient funds. To exit the blocking, you need to top up your balance by 420 UZS or more.

    When replenishing the balance in the amount of 420 soums to 8399 soums, the daily subscription fee will be charged for the “Together with Mobiuz” TP with the corresponding meter volumes accrued. The remaining meters from the Mobi 20 TP are burned out.

    When replenishing the balance in the amount of 8400 UZS or more, a subscription fee for the full month will be charged with the corresponding meter volumes being charged. The remaining counters from the Mobi 20 TP and the full counters from the “Together with Mobiuz” TP for the month are summed up. Validity period – 1 calendar month from the moment of balance replenishment.  

    - If at the time of transition the amount on the balance is less than 0 UZS , then changing the tariff is not available.

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